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Sales Game Changers | Tips from Successful Sales Leaders

Oct 31, 2018

This is episode 009 part 2.

Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast web site.

JOHN'S CLOSING TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "We know that there are many cognitive biases that help us influence buyers. There's about 100 of them, about 50 of them apply to sales. Figuring out which of those apply to...

Oct 29, 2018

This is Special episode 009 part 1.

Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

JOHN'S CLOSING TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "The comprehension rate of our brain for video is 60,000 times as fast as reading words on the internet, so the practical application here is get more videos in your...

Oct 25, 2018

This is episode 105.

Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

CHRIS' CLOSING TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Live by the Golden Rule. To me, it's do unto others as you would have them do unto to you and just be a good person. I think fundamentally good people succeed and if you are a...

Oct 18, 2018

This is episode 104.

Read the complete transcript on The Sales Game Changers Podcast web site.

KUSH'S CLOSING TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Finding the right company is something that'll change the span of your career. Understanding who the company is, how you fit into that company, who's going to be your mentor, your...

Oct 16, 2018

This is episode 103.

Read the complete transcript on The Sales Game Changers Podcast.

JIM'S CLOSING TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Bring your values and your passion into it. It's highly rewarding and meaningful when you do sales right with great integrity and a sense of purpose. Make sales mission driven. Be an...